The Two Faces of January is an alluring adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s suspenseful romantic thriller, starring Kirsten Dunst, Viggo Mortensen and Oscar Issaac. When a brilliant con artist (Viggo Mortensen) accidently kills a private detective who has tracked him down from the US to Athens, he flees from the international police with his wife (Kirsten Dunst) and a young American (Oscar Isaac). Their flight across the Greek islands and Istanbul will involve a web of manipulation and betrayal that binds them together… in a way that only death could do. In Cinemas June 19
To celebrate the release of The Two Faces Of January We are giving you the chance to win a double pass to see the film in cinemas, the novel The Two Faces of January by Patricia Highsmith and a bottle of Bulgari Omnia Indian Garnet Fragrance (total prize pool value: $149AU).
10 runners up will also receive a copy of the novel The Two Faces of January by Patricia Highsmith.
To win, tell us in the comments bellow, which ancient landmark Chester (Mortensen) and Colette (Dunst) MacFarland visit on their tour of Greece.
*This competition is open to Australian residents only. The winners will be chosen at random. Two Faces of January is showing in limited release and tickets are valid at participating cinemas. Competition closes June 13