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The Supermodel has had a bumpy ride of the last 20 years; created during the 1990’s killed in the new millennium and now resurrected in 2009. A handful of models with ‘that’ look were sprawled across our favourite glossies in the early 90’s. The dream of looking like them was unattainable, and for that they earned millions. Naomi, Cindy, Elle became household names to the western world. These women became a dream team, walking, talking, listening, sleeping glamour. They were like show dogs, required high maintenance, but when paraded the rewards and admiration was pricelessTowards the end of the 1990’s fashion became bored of the supermodel, and our old favourites started to get well, old. Agencies fretted and started to churn out new model after model after model. Thus became the disappearance of the supermodels and the emergence of a whole lot of faces without names. Focus was shifted from the model to the clothes and the brand. Magazines and fashion houses emphasized that they were about the design, not the clothes hanger.

Meanwhile the fashion industry was booming, new houses were opening, designers were launching, fashion weeks were appearing in every country. The market became tough, competitors became tougher and the media had broad amounts of material to work with. To gain a competitive advantage the big houses began a search for models with ‘that’ look. They started to look for the women that were walking, talking, listening, sleeping glamour. Supermodels were again needed in the industry, so a new handful was selected from supermarket lines, the park and the local basketball team. Miranda, Agyness, Abby Lee, Gemma, Lily began to pocket the cash and create competitive advantages for fashion brands while creating for themselves household names. In 2009 the dream team are back. Reinvented